Jaxx - Glamour Aussies Attila the Hun
Date of Birth: 08. 10.2017
Black Tri Male ( Red factired ), NBT
Hips: A/A | Elbows: 0/0 |
Full Dentition | Scissors Bite
Eye Exam: Will be done Early
HFS4: Clear
DM: +/+ (normal/normal)
MDR1: +/- (normal/affected)
Collie Eye Anamoly (CEA): +/-(normal/affected)
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA): Clear
Breeder: Christine Elisabeth B. | Owner: Ana Muresan
Black Tri Male ( Red factired ), NBT
Hips: A/A | Elbows: 0/0 |
Full Dentition | Scissors Bite
Eye Exam: Will be done Early
HFS4: Clear
DM: +/+ (normal/normal)
MDR1: +/- (normal/affected)
Collie Eye Anamoly (CEA): +/-(normal/affected)
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA): Clear
Breeder: Christine Elisabeth B. | Owner: Ana Muresan
Jr Ch, Ch Romania, GrCh Romania
Ch Moldova, GrCh Moldova, Basarabia Ch
Club Winner 2019
Bulgarian Ch
International Champion
Started Hungarian Ch
Can be ASCA registered
Passed AKC-NTD and ITD Title
Multiple BOB winnings, BOG and BOG placements, BIS 3 placer
Ch Moldova, GrCh Moldova, Basarabia Ch
Club Winner 2019
Bulgarian Ch
International Champion
Started Hungarian Ch
Can be ASCA registered
Passed AKC-NTD and ITD Title
Multiple BOB winnings, BOG and BOG placements, BIS 3 placer
Jaxx is a one in a lifetime dog !
He has the temperment of a gentelman from birth, he is serious but goofy at the same time. He loves everything and does everything just to be with us and make us proud and happy !
He is non-agressive, even with other males. H eloves babies, puppies, kids, etc, but is a bit reluctant with strangers. He is always by our side.
Balls and discs are his favorite toys, he woulddo anything for them. He is not afraid of anything !
Active in : Bikejorring, Disc Dog and Dog Dancing
Sire: Silver Dream Aussie's Baltic
Dam : Let's Catch Again of Crystal Lake
He has the temperment of a gentelman from birth, he is serious but goofy at the same time. He loves everything and does everything just to be with us and make us proud and happy !
He is non-agressive, even with other males. H eloves babies, puppies, kids, etc, but is a bit reluctant with strangers. He is always by our side.
Balls and discs are his favorite toys, he woulddo anything for them. He is not afraid of anything !
Active in : Bikejorring, Disc Dog and Dog Dancing
Sire: Silver Dream Aussie's Baltic
Dam : Let's Catch Again of Crystal Lake